Here is the Rumor Mill News Chip-in All Funds go directly to Rumor Mill News And... here is the email address that you can write to if you
Hi, My Name is John.
I am a long time, dedicated Rumor Mill News Reader
and occasional listener to Rumor Mill News Radio.
I was sitting at home trying to come up with a way to help
the folks at RMN generate some money because
I just love
this place and I really want to see it start to thrive financially.
I racked my brain for days, and then I came up with this idea.
I figured that I would lead by example, so I took the first step
and contacted the advertising Department at
Rumor Mill News
and asked for the monthly cost to run a banner ad on RMN.
The reply came and I found out that they were running a special
which offered the banner ad spaces for HALF PRICE.
It was then that I knew I was onto something!!
I thought to myself, rather than just send in another donation,
I could take out one of those ad spaces and that would
give me
a chance to talk to all of you other RMN readers and Radio listeners.
I guess the point that I am trying to make is that by doing this I was able to accomplish a few things....
then I did not waste my time doing all of this extra thinking and extra work
versus just clicking on the chip-in.
I am hoping that there are some other readers who will join me and try
to come up with different ideas for clever ways to help support this place
that we all love so much so that it stays around for us to enjoy for years to come.
I know that it has been said here before many times but if even a small percent
of those who go to RMN everyday gave one dollar a month it would add up to a
huge amount of money every month.
I invite everyone to join me in the RMN Reader's Creativity Club
by sending in a donation today or by using your creative ideas
to help generate funds for RMN and help it stay on the web.
My thanks to all my fellow readers who rise to help this cause.
A Dedicated RMN Reader
too come up with a Creative idea to help support Rumor Mill News....