Stephen Bassett is a political activist and commentator who is at the forefront of overturning the current ban on Disclosure, which is government acknowledgment that extraterrestrials have been actively engaging the human race for at least 63 years.
Monthly Archives: January 2010
Paola Harris discusses current news about UFO's and ET intelligence
Renown Italo-American photojournalist Paola Harris is an expert in the field of ET phenomena who will be speaking at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles (Feb. 12-15).
Patrick Henningsen connects the War on Terror to the War on Drugs
Our guest is InfoWars correspondent Patrick Henningsen, who focuses on the drug war, including the 2007 crash of the Gulfstream II that carried 3 tons of cocaine.
Kevin P. Miller exposes the deadly dangers of psychotropic drugs
Award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller shares the mic with Dr. Robin Falkov to discuss the dangers of psychotropic drugs and the attacks on health freedom in the U.S. and Canada.
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Dr. Fernando Bassail reviews the remedies used to treat immune disorders and cancer
To bring our new listeners up to speed, Dr. Robin Falkov interviews Dr. Fernando Bassail about the FDA-approved Neobryxol/Bryomixol (US brand name is Bryomed) treatment that has enabled cancer patients to recover from their illness.
Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Medicine, Science & Medicine, Self-Help