Ken Welch uses reversed speech to peer into the minds of world leaders. Many believe that reversed speech conveys the true intention of the subconscious mind.
Ken Welch has been a reversed speech practitioner since 1997. Years ago, he wrote and self-published a book (now out of print) called Wishes Granted to help ordinary folks create their own subliminal and altered-state programming for self-empowerment. Many believe his skill at finding and publishing speech reversals is the best on the planet.
For example, last November, India’s Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, arrived in Washington, D.C. to pay a special visit. Reversed speech from Singh’s final press conference reveals that he had made secret arrangements to deliver an atomic bomb to be dropped on Israel that will, in turn, trigger a false-flag invasion of Iran.
Click here to read about Ken’s last appearance on our radio show on Nov. 6.