Monthly Archives: September 2011

John Fanuzzi shares how 9/11 forced him to refocus his life in a new direction

John Fanuzzi tells Melinda Pillsbury-Foster where he was on 9/11 and how that event impacted the manufacturing firm that he ran at that time and motivated him to confront the reality of confiscatory banking.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

Patrick McGean discusses 9/11 and his sulfur remedy that could heal the world

“Mr. Sulfur” Patrick McGean tells why he felt the official story of 9/11 was suspect at the outset, while host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster relates her story about psychopaths.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Government & Organizations, Health, National

Joni Dahlstrom reveals what made her realize 9/11 was an inside job

Seeing is believing, right? That’s how Joni Dahlstrom interpreted the events of 9/11/2001 until two years ago when her whole worldview changed 180 degrees.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

Eben Rey discusses the power of the media to suppress and control news stories

Eben Rey explores why certain news stories get tossed down the rabbit hole out of the public eye, while others receive extensive (or distorted) media coverage.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

Dr. Michael Castle offers simple ways to remediate environmental contamination

Imagine a fuel source made from sweet potatoes, sorghum, and millet. Our guest, Dr. Michael Castle, tells host Dr. Robin Falkov how that is easily doable.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Science & Medicine, Self-Help