Loretta Lanphier tells how her bout with cancer led her to become a naturopathic doctor

In 2000 Loretta Lanphier was diagnosed with colon cancer. She shares how she embarked on a naturopathic career after healing herself with natural alternatives.

Oasis Advanced Wellness: Dr. Lanphier’s website full of health-related information.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Self-Help

2 Responses to Loretta Lanphier tells how her bout with cancer led her to become a naturopathic doctor

  1. naturalnewsie

    This is all great, except that Loretta Lanphier is NOT a doctor. Her website states that she went to the Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy, but the Institute doesn’t offer an ND degree. It says on its website under its program for a Naturpopathic Practitioner Certificate (N.P.) that:

    “Graduation from any of our programs does not qualify you as a licensed medical doctor….You can do health counseling or therapies as a health practitioner or therapist. Graduation from this program does not qualify someone to become a licensed Naturopathic Physician or Doctor. Our use of the word “clinical” refers to working in a clinical environment and does not imply being a licensed doctor or practicing medicine.”


    She is NOT a doctor, not a physician, not a naturopathic doctor, not a naturopathic physician and not an N.D., and her claims to the contrary are fraudulent.

  2. I don’t know the background of Loretta Lanphier or her credentials. However, even if she isn’t a doctor of any sort, that does not negate the fact that she was able to heal herself of cancer. As noted in downloadable report entitled “Death by Medicine” that was authored by Gary Null, PhD, Carolyn Dean, MD and ND, and several other reputable practitioners, the total number of deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 annually. It is now evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. http://www.webdc.com/pdfs/deathbymedicine.pdf

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