Ann Boroch is a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Naturopath, educator, author, and inspirational speaker who has appeared on national radio and television.
Ann Boroch was featured on the Montel Williams show in April 2008 to promote her first book, Healing Multiple Sclerosis. Ann has been in private practice for 11 years in Los Angeles, California and has helped thousands of clients achieve optimum health. She specializes in allergies, autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal and endocrine disorders, and is an expert on Candida.
Healing Multiple Sclerosis: Diet, Detox & Nutritional Makeover for Total Recovery
Book by Ann Boroch
The Candida Cure: Yeast, Fungus & Your Health: The 90-Day Program to Beat Candida & Restore Vibrant Health
Book by Ann Boroch
Sugar Should Be Regulated As Toxin, Researchers Say
By Christopher Wanjek
Published Feb. 01, 2012
LiveScience | FoxNews