Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash

Last week, 21WIRE raised the possibility that Israeli intelligence could have been involved in the downing of Russian Flight 7K9268.

It’s no revelation that the Egyptian resort destination of Sharm El-Sheikh is also a well-known Israeli Mossad ‘intelligence playground’. If indeed Israeli covert operatives were somehow involved in this incident, it wouldn’t be the first time that Israel carried out a false flag attack in order to manipulate another nation into a wider war. The case of Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty is a prime example of this.

Any one who has studied false flag attacks will know the importance of running a large ‘security drill’ or military exercise – in order to provide cover for any military chatter which might be picked up by a neutral observer and also to deflect any attention away from a nearby clandestine operation.

As it turns out – on the very same day as the Russian airline crash in the Sinai Peninsula on October 30th, and only 40 miles away from the crash zone, the Israeli Military was hosting its largest-ever international Air Defense drill based at Ovda Airfield near Eilat and taking place over the Arava desert in the south of Israel.

According to its organizers, the military exercise included Israeli, American, Greek, and Polish air personnel, together “squaring off against a fictional enemy state in two-week drill”.

The event included all of Israel’s most advanced air and communications capabilities.

Israel Held ‘Largest Ever’ Air Combat Drill Nearby, On Same Day as Russian Sinai Crash
21st Century Wire
Nov 8, 2015

The Suspicious Downing of Russia’s Metrojet Airbus A321-200. “The ISIS is a Creation of the CIA”
Larry Chin
Global Research
Nov 5, 2015

Christopher Bollyn: “Was Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot Used In Egyptian Plane Crash?”
The Richie Allen Show
Nov 5, 2015

ISIS Crashed Plane Video: Did ISIS Shoot Down Russian Plane Flight 9268?
Oct 31, 2015

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by | 2015/11/09 · 12:03 am

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