The Mystery of a Covert Criminal Conspiracy is the title of a series of interviews that Alex Horvat of PROBE Magazine conducted with Gunther Russbacher (1942-2005), who served for years in the Office of Naval Intelligence and Central Intelligence Agency. This 1993 interview centered on Russbacher’s knowledge and involvement in the savings and loan failures that occurred in the United States during the 1980s.
Author Archives: not-the-admin
Intro to Chinese Face Reading by Jean Haner Sep 19, 2015
Face reading is a branch of ancient Chinese medicine, and in this free webinar that Jean Haner conducted on Sep 19, 2015, she shared her knowledge that she has learned from studying this fascinating discipline for over 30 years.
Originally uploaded to YouTube by Jack The SVT Ripper under the title, Världen – I skuggan av frihet (“World: In the Shadows of Liberty”) and republished here. Narration is in English, while captions are in Swedish. Featured commentators include actor Danny Glover and Democracy Now! journalist Amy Goodman.
Brian and Stellar discuss their healing music with Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster shares her support for the uplifting of consciousness through music with our new Monday hosts: Brian Collins and Stellar Fairbairn.
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