Field and David conjecture that D2 Banking and Crown Agents’ Sister Marina Wheeler (Femme Comp wife of Boris Johnson) used PwC public key infrastructure accounts to finance last week’s bombing-and-murder spree in Norway.
Tag Archives: David Hawkins
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of July 20, 2011
Field and David conjecture that Rebekah Brooks (née Wade) and Kristine Marcy used Mozilla’s Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Matrix 5 cutouts inside the Metropolitan Police and the U.S. Marshals Service to record JonBenét Ramsey’s murder and 911 – the first live snuff film broadcast in human history.
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of July 13, 2011
Abel Danger agent Suky Slicer (Sue Freeman) joins Field and David as they shine the light on Rupert Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth and her ties to Rebekah Brooks, Matthew Freud, and Waheed Alli.
Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of July 6, 2011
Our forensic economists allege that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy set up a revolving fund for DOJ Pride lesbians to finance the sexual entrapment of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Gunwalker contract hit of ATF agent Brian Terry.
Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of June 29, 2011
Our forensic economists explain how the U.S. was tricked into standing down during the 9/11 war games because of misuse of Entrust’s PKI by Crown Agents Sisters Lena Trudeau and Kristine Marcy.
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