Today’s topics include Julian Assange, John P. Wheeler III, the Onion Router vis-à-vis 9/11, and how the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are linked to the conspiracy.
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Today’s topics include Julian Assange, John P. Wheeler III, the Onion Router vis-à-vis 9/11, and how the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are linked to the conspiracy.
Our guests allege that Crown Agents’ Sisters Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair authorized use of US Navy-patented Onion Router encryption devices to arrange and conceal contract hits (e.g., on JonBenet Ramsey) by pedophile extortionists working inside a radical lesbian network set up by Kristine Marcy through the Senior Executive Service.
Today’s focus: How Crown Agents Sisters such as Samantha Cameron procured passports for pedophiles bonded to Oddfellow and British Invisibles’ Livery Companies to stage snuff-film crimes like 9/11 and the murders of Sharon Tate and Jon Benet Ramsey.
For the benefit of newcomers, Field McConnell and David Hawkins guest-hosts today’s show to review some of the key figures (Crown Agents’ Sisters Kristine Marcy and Vicky Huhne) and organizations (Femme Comp, Common Purpose, Senior Executive Service) who are part of the international cabal behind 9/11 and other crimes.
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As a follow-up to the Dec. 1 radio show where our forensic economists analyzed Ian Fleming’s connection to the international cabal, this week they pursue the topic, “Did Kristine Marcy and Vicky Huhne auction DEADFOO7 pedophilia bonds for Common Purpose and Senior Executive Service to help hired guns commit crimes like 9/11?”