This week’s program with Field McConnell and David Hawkins focuses on Nancy Pelosi’s and Roman Polanski’s connection to Femme Comp and the Chicago cabal.
Tag Archives: David Hawkins
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of Sep. 30, 2009
Today’s show with Field McConnell and David Hawkins focuses on Roman Polanski’s connection to the Michelle Obama crime scenes, snuff film links to CIA-SAD, Femme Comp, and Marxist pedophiles.
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of Sep. 23, 2009
Field McConnell and David Hawkins discuss Chapter 24 of their current book called “Valerie Jarrett’s Femme Comp knife in the ambushed back of the CIA.”
Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of Sep. 16, 2009
Weekly commentary from Field McConnell and David Hawkins.
Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics
McConnell and Hawkins link the cabal with Femme Comp, Inc. and the radical lesbians
Today’s program links the Chicago-based cabal with radical lesbians and Femme Comp, Inc., a Chantilly, VA firm that provides SETA (System Engineering and Technical Assistance) services to the feds.
Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics