While the media has largely forgotten about Fukushima, our guest paints a sobering report of what the lingering cloud of radiation means for the people of Japan.
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Tag Archives: Fukushima
Leuren Moret updates listeners about the Fukushima radiation still affecting Japan
Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics
Patrick McGean discusses sulfur deficiency as it relates to vaccines and Fukushima
Rise up and heed the words of host Patrick McGean: We are a nation of individuals. We are the government – not Congress, not the President, and not the corporations.
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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, News & Politics, Self-Help
Arnie Gundersen and Dr. John Apsley discuss the ongoing coverup regarding radiation exposure
Arnie Gundersen is a highly respected nuclear engineer whose views about radiation exposure are documented on his Fairewinds Associates blog. See later podcast for Dr. John Apsley’s bio.
Filed under Uncategorized
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of June 22, 2011
Our forensic economists, who are very close to publishing Chapter 4 of their online exposé, Lesbian Cults, Pedophile Oaths, and Guilds of Patented Hits, recap the modus operandi and network of the Crown Agents Sisters with regards to major crimes such 911, Deepwater Horizon, and Fukushima.
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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Leuren Moret says, Radioactivity is leaking from Fukushima and is affecting EVERYONE
Don’t be distracted by the unimportant news events that the media is reporting. Listen, instead, to today’s broadcast. Your life may depend on it!
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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture