Independent journalist Jim Stone joins Field and David in exposing the lies and disinformation (e.g., reports published by Arne Gunderson) about the Mar. 11 Fukushima quake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown.
Tag Archives: Fukushima
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of June 15, 2011
Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Dr. Robin Falkov discusses radiation awareness and preparedness with Dan Sythe
Dan Sythe is CEO of International Medcom, Inc., a Northern California firm that has provided high-quality radiation detection instruments since 1986.
Filed under Alternative Health, Government & Organizations, Health, Self-Help
What’s behind all these nuclear and weather disasters? Let’s ask Leuren Moret
Leuren Moret returns to discuss who controls Japan and how these monstrous quakes, floods, and tornadoes relate to the depopulation plan called Agenda 21.
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Carolyn Rose Goyda discusses sustainable living and nuclear radiation threats
Dr. Robin Falkov and her guest, Carolyn Rose Goyda, discuss the Gulf oil disaster and its deadly impact on humans, animals and sealife; nuclear radiation damage from Chernobyl and Fukushima; and ways we can all practice sustainable living.
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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, News & Politics