Field and David review the Greek system and speculate how college students compromised by oath taking ceremonies may be providing hit teams for major crimes.
Tag Archives: hawkscafe
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of Sep. 28, 2011
Field and David zero in on Crown Agents’ Sister Gloria Cain and her role in spearheading her husband’s GOP presidential straw poll victory reported on Fox News.
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of Sep. 21, 2011
Field and David conjecture that Crown Agents’ Sister and former Treasurer Solicitor Juliet Wheldon used VideoGuard-encrypted images to hide Samantha Cameron’s role in the creation of propaganda on 9/11.
Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Intelligence Report from David Hawkins as of Sep. 14, 2011
Subbing for Field McConnell, Abel Danger agent Suky Slicer (Sue Freeman) joins David Hawkins to review the snuff-film murder of JonBenet Ramsey and the spoliation of WTC#7 evidence on 9/11. During the second and third hours (available to subscribers), David Hawkins departs and Richard from Wembley, Texas, provides commentary.
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of Sep. 7, 2011
Abel Danger agent Suky Slicer (Sue Freeman) joins Field and David to discuss their RICO action aimed at the 9/11 cabal and the Victory Party to be held Sunday in Oxford, England.
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