Tag Archives: health freedom

Sharry Edwards starts her weekly shows helping listeners use her vocal profiling tools

On today’s inaugural program that will continue on successive Mondays, Sharry Edwards discusses alternatives and antidotes to forced vaccinations and demonstrates how to use vocal profiling tools to determine if someone’s words are sincere.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Science & Medicine, Self-Help

Kevin P. Miller discusses the state of alternative health care in Canada

Filmmaker Kevin P. Miller discusses his latest movie project and tells how the battle over alternative health care and supplements in Canada affects Americans.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, Society & Culture

Rayelan and Robin discuss current health news

Continuing yesterday’s discussion, Rayelan Allan and Dr. Robin Falkov relate how more people are waking up to the forces who are violating our health rights.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Government & Organizations, Health

Kevin P. Miller exposes the deadly dangers of psychotropic drugs

Award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller shares the mic with Dr. Robin Falkov to discuss the dangers of psychotropic drugs and the attacks on health freedom in the U.S. and Canada.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Government & Organizations, Health, Society & Culture, Uncategorized

Andrew Moulden discusses his photographic research showing how vaccines damage the body

Dr. Andrew Moulden last appeared on the radio program on Dec. 11 and returns to update our audience about the health risks posed by vaccines.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Medicine, Science & Medicine