Sonia Barrett interviews Nancy Many, a former high-ranking Scientologist who survived a labor camp and mental torture after being labeled an enemy of the cult.
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Tag Archives: mind control
Ron Amitron shares his clearing exercises for Feb. 6, 2012
Feeling depressed due to the loss of a loved one is a common experience. Ron Amitron offers comfort and release through this week’s clearing exercises.
Filed under Other, Religion & Spirituality
Oberlage Kefferend-Rust peers into the crystal ball for 2012 and beyond
Will the world exist after Dec. 21, 2012? Is time speeding up? Why does the media shun Ron Paul? Host Eben Rey and Oberlage Kefferend-Rust share their insights.
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Ron Amitron frees past blockages through his clearing exercises
On future Mondays from 2-4pm PT, Ron Amitron will serve as host. Today he discusses aliens, his mission on earth, and how the Creation Lightship comes every 2000 years.
Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Other, Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality