Whether the hot topic is health care, gay rights, or the death of Trayvon Martin, the media is adept at molding people’s minds and keeping everyone divided.
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Tag Archives: Programming
Lenon Honor explores how group behavior is shaped by media manipulation
Filed under Society & Culture
Tagged as Behavior Modification, Coming of Keyto, Deep in the Garden of Consciousness, empowerment, Lenon Honor, manipulation, Marriage, Metaphysics, mind control, Personal Growth, Programming, psychology, Relationships, Sonia Barrett, Soul Visions Radio, Sovereign Mind Radio, Spirituality, Subconscious
Asra Adiba relates how metal toxicity may be causing dysfunctional behavior
Rayelan interviews Asra Adiba, a certified Emergency Medical Technician and lifelong student of the Sacred Sciences who’s lectured about Islam for over a decade.
Filed under Alternative Health, Health
Tagged as Ailments, Asra Adiba, autism, Chaos, chemtrails, Dr. Richard Bandler, Environmental Illness, Fibromyalgia, Heavy Metals, Islam, Lyme Disease, Mercury fillings, Metal Illness, NLP, Order, Programming, Rayelan Allan, Sacred Sciences, Spirituality, Sufism, terrorism, vaccines