By producing food locally, we don’t pay for transporting mass-produced goods from faraway and invigorate our local economy. Our guest shares how it’s being done.
Category Archives: National
Michael Olson encourages listeners to start growing their own food
Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, Society & Culture
Brian Terrell warns Americans about the drones encroaching our lives
Brian Terrell is an Iowa peace activist deeply committed to awakening the public about the harm caused by the growing use of drones in the U.S. and overseas.
Filed under Government & Organizations, National
Rosalind Peterson tells the Navy to stop the slaughter of marine animals
Rosalind Peterson returns to report on the U.S. Navy’s ocean testing that could result in 11.4 million marine mammal deaths. Please sign the petition (read on for link)!
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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National
Marie Christine Polymenacou shares her geopolitical report for July 6, 2012
Dr. Robin Falkov and weekly correspondent Marie Christine Polymenacou comment on the latest reports about the Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster.
Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics
Ty Moore tells how he’s fighting to fix the psychopathic court system
Rebecca Potter and her guest Ty Moore (aka truesoveriegnty317) share their personal experiences and insights doing battle in court.
Filed under Government & Organizations, National