Dr. Robin Falkov hosts an encore interview with Adam, an Occupy Oakland activist, who relates how Maalox can be used to counter the effects of pepper spray.
Category Archives: National
Adam from Occupy Oakland shares what to do if you're hit by pepper spray
Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics, Self-Help
Marie Christine Polymenacou reports on the Occupy Movements as of Dec. 2, 2011
Dr. Robin Falkov and Greek correspondent Marie Christine Polymenacou review the latest news related to the global Occupy Movements, such as the elections in Egypt.
John Edmonds says, Overturn the law permitting horses to be killed for human consumption
Last month, Obama signed a bill making it legal for slaughterhouses to sell horse meat. Meanwhile, a bale of hay has more than doubled in price over the past year.
Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster and Rayelan unveil their plan to build local communities
Melinda and Rayelan share exciting news about their plans to help RadioRMN listeners and Rumor Mill News readers form local communities based on shared values.
Filed under Government & Organizations, National, Society & Culture
Wayne Jett explains why the Dow 30 index soared 490 points on Wednesday
The Dow soars nearly 500 points right after U.S. stocks suffer their worst Thanksgiving week since 1932. Resident economist Wayne Jett provides an explanation.
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