First diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at age 39, Michael Ellenbogen is a leading advocate for the education and eradication of this illness.
Category Archives: Alternative Health
Michael Ellenbogen reveals the real story about Alzheimer’s
Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Medicine, Science & Medicine, Self-Help
Jane Burgermeister exposes the agenda behind the geoengineered bird flu
Dr. Robin Falkov confers with Jane Burgermeister about the latest stealth campaign by the globalists and Big Pharma to force humanity to accept mass vaccinations.
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Hilda Jarvis shares her gifts for healing using energy work
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster interviews Hilda Jarvis about her entry into energy healing after her husband was diagnosed with lung cancer and chose to treat naturally.
Filed under Alternative Health, Government & Organizations, Health, Self-Help
John Panigutti assesses the MSM + Chlorine Dioxide Protocol for Cancer
Patrick McGean and John Panigutti discuss the efficacy of the alternative cancer treatment posted on that involves MSM and Chlorine Dioxide.
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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Self-Help
Gus Escamilla shares how we can grow healthy plants and food at home
Dr. Robin Falkov interviews Greenway Nutrients® president Gus Escamilla about his firm’s line of organic nutrients, fertilizers, and home gardening products.
Filed under Alternative Health, Government & Organizations, Health, Self-Help