Tami Wahl talks about food safety, the FDA, and true healthcare reform

Tami Wahl is a legislative assistant for the Alliance for Natural Health, a consumer advocacy firm that supports personal health freedom and the right to make informed choices.

During today’s show, you will learn more about:

1. Food safety legislation that exempt small, bio-diverse farms from unnecessary government regulation and mega-corporate standards.

2. Reformation of the Food and Drug Administration to eliminate conflicts of interest and regulations that harm the consumer, such as allowing the meat packing industry to employ “safe limits” of carbon monoxide to extend the shelf life of fresh meats and poultry.

3. True health care reform, such as advocating the use of preventive treatments instead of conventional diagnostics.

4. Advocating legislation to allow food and supplement manufacturers to disclose the health benefits of their products if backed by scientific research.

5. Supporting the public’s right to make informed decisions regarding vaccines.

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