Daily Archives: 2010/07/06

John Edmonds says Oklahoma will likely host the Help The Gulf fundraiser

Hopeful Hooves co-founder John Edmonds returns to share details about his weekend music festival to help the people and communities affected by the oil spill.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

Rayelan and Robin update listeners about the Gulf Coast oil crisis

Journalists can’t take photos within 65′ of sensitive areas and tarballs now cover all five Gulf Coast states. Meanwhile, many are still oblivious to the disaster.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, News & Politics

Bob Beauprez discusses Arizona’s battle to retain and enforce its immigration law

Former Colorado Congressman Bob Beauprez, who was a radio guest on June 4, discusses the latest attempts by the feds to overturn Arizona’s immigration law.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics