Monthly Archives: September 2010

Rayelan and Robin critique the insane agenda that governs our world

Our co-hosts, Rayelan and Robin, advise us how to deal with our Orwellian age, where perversion of truth is common and what is promoted as good is really bad.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, History, News & Politics, Society & Culture

Rayelan lands in Ohio and Robin offers her homeopathic remedy for oil spill victims

Our co-hosts discuss lessons learned during Rayelan’s move to Ohio and the insanity of telling Gulf Coast residents that their oil-contaminated land is safe.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, News & Politics

Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of Sep. 8, 2010

Our guests expand upon last week’s report about the circumstances concerning the death of MI6 spy Garth Williams that suggest involvement by the Crown Agents.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture

Dr. Robert Naman tells how Gulf families are being sickened by Corexit and oil toxins

Dr. Robert Naman is an analytical chemist based in Mobile, AL, who explains the negative health effects of continuous exposure to the toxins emitted by the Gulf Coast oil spill.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health

Denise Rednour tells what it's like to live next to oil-contaminated waters

Denise Rednour is an animal rights activist who risks her health by filming evidence of the oil spill in Long Beach, MS. She posts her findings on her website and on YouTube.

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Filed under Health, Self-Help