Dr. James Jensen discusses stem cell therapy and safe choices in health care

Dr. Robin Falkov interviews Dr. James Jensen, who started out in Western medicine and now spearheads efforts to treat illnesses using alternative modalities.

Dr. James Jensen is a physician with over 35 years of medical practice experience. He has served as Chief Radiologist for a number of radiology departments and is actively involved in researching emerging medical disciplines such as stem cell treatments.

Dr. Jensen is affiliated with The Medical Awareness Institute (MAI), a 501(c)3 research organization based in San Diego that publishes and distributes preventative healthcare information about life-threatening illnesses like cancer and heart disease.

MAI serves multi-cultural communities through a virtual network of professional service providers and organizations that provide educational programs and pioneer new solutions for general well-being.

Other References

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stem cells are cells found in all multi cellular organisms. They are characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell types.

Stem Cell Basics
The National Institutes of Health

Click here for Google search on the terms, “stem cell research.”

Click here to listen to an excerpt of Dr. Jensen’s appearance on the radio show on Jan. 28 when he and Dr. Falkov discussed the inherent dangers of using synthetic genomics to remediate the Gulf spill, produce GMO crops, and provide health care.

Click here to contact Dr. Jensen by email.

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