Shortly after Germany decides to end its nuclear power program, it gets hammered by an E. coli outbreak. Coincidence? Dr. Robin Falkov and Charles Ostman provide comment about this topic and more.
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Monthly Archives: June 2011
Did bio-weaponry create the latest E. coli outbreak? Let’s ask Charles Ostman
John Edmonds describes the environmental impact of the massive fire in Arizona
The Wallow Fire, the 2nd-largest blaze in Arizona history, has burned 386,000 acres and its smoky trail has reached as far away as Ohio. Sadly, arson is suspected as the probable cause, with lack of adherence to proper forest management procedures playing a supporting role.
Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics
Bob Kenter and Rayelan share their thoughts about reawakening to a Divine Life
Who built the ancient pyramids? Or, more importantly, who didn’t build them? Why is motion misunderstood? Was the Big Bang an explosion or implosion? What are the basics for our five senses? How can we ascend to a higher state of being? What about 2012? Tune in for a lively discussion on these and other topics!
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Support Tim Bolen and Bob Reeves in their efforts to eliminate mercury in vaccines
Instead of taking deadly vaccines pushed by Big Pharma and mainstream doctors, the public would be far better off boosting their Vitamin D levels. Tune in and learn why!
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