Donna Childs shares how small businesses can survive unforeseen disasters

Ever since her own New York firm survived 9/11, Donna Childs has helped other small businesses prepare for the worst and plan for the best.

As a senior executive for Swiss Reinsurance Group, a leading global reinsurer of property-casualty risks, Donna Childs dealt with major and minor disasters on a daily basis. Her background proved critical when she established her own firm in Lower Manhattan that was directly impacted by the events of 9/11. Few firms were as prepared as hers to deal with the economic dislocations that resulted from the catastrophic event. Fully prepared with a cost-effective protection plan, her 9/11 insurance claims were paid in full within three days of submission.

Donna’s advice has appeared in a number of major news outlets, including National Public Radio, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Investor’s Business Journal. The Dept. of Homeland Security profiled Donna’s small business in connection with its “Ready for Business” campaign.

Donna Childs, 39
Childs Capital, President and chief executive

Prepared Small Business: From Paralyzed to Prepared

Prepare for the Worst, Plan for the Best: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery for Small Businesses, book by Donna R. Childs.

Contingency Planning and Disaster Recovery: A Small Business Guide, book co-authored by Donna R. Childs and Stefan Dietrich.

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