David Lincoln reviews several cities affected by hexavalent chromium poisoning

David Lincoln, our weekly toxicology correspondent, provides feedback about the hexavalent chromium poisoning affecting cities such as Hinkley, CA & Midland, TX.

David Lincoln is a geologist, environmental consultant, and author of a book called “Deep Horizons Exposed” who jumped off the corporate ladder and changed careers after he saw how Enron was being operated for the benefit of a select few. He maintains a website called WereYouPoisoned.com.

Click here to listen to an excerpt of David Lincoln’s Nov. 29 appearance on the radio show.

Erin Brockovich, Consumer Advocate
Erin’s exhaustive investigation uncovered that Pacific Gas & Electric had been poisoning the small town of Hinkley’s Water for over 30 years. It was because of Erin’s unwavering tenacity that PG&E had been exposed for leaking toxic Chromium 6 into the groundwater. This poison affected the health of the population of Hinkley. In 1996 as a result of the largest direct action lawsuit of its kind, the utility giant was forced to pay out the largest toxic tort injury settlement in US history: $333 million in damages to more than 600 Hinkley residents. The story and eventual film helped make the “Erin Brockovich” a household name.

Brockovich: Midland, Texas Water Sullied
CBS News
Nov 9, 2010
In an exclusive interview on The Early Show Wednesday from Midland, Texas, Brockovich discussed contaminated water she says has been found in the town. And what does Brockovich say is in the water? A substance she knows all-too-well: hexavalent chromium.

Brockovich Spearheads Lawsuit in Cameron, MO Cancer Cluster
Apr 23, 2009
Environmentalist Erin Brockovich helped file a lawsuit alleging sludge from Prime Tanning Corp. of St. Joseph contained high levels of hexavalent chromium, which led to a rash of brain tumors in the Cameron, MO area.

On air, Lincoln revealed a public hearing about the chromium poisoning issue that is scheduled to take place in Hinkley, CA on Dec. 8.

California Regional Water Quality Control Board
Lahontan Water Board Public Information Meeting
Hinkley Elementary School
37600 Hinkley Road, Hinkley, CA
Dec. 8, 2011, 6:30-8:30pm

Meeting Topics
• Oct 2011 Whole-house Replacement Water Order
• Results of Fall 2011 groundwater monitoring for chromium
• EIR development update
• Summary of Peer Review comments on 2-007 Background Chromium Study


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