Mike Spent tells what really goes on inside nuclear power plants

Dr. Robin Falkov interviews Mike Spent about the radiation exposure he received years ago at the San Onofre nuclear plant in So. Calif.

Mike Spent (not his real name) is a 3rd generation Mexican-American who grew up in Carlsbad, CA and now lives in Baja California. He first gained employment at the San Onofre plant where he was twice exposed to life-threatening radioactive material. In his colorful and varied career, Spent has been employed as a furniture and art dealer and has been actively involved in the music and entertainment business as a record label owner and singer for an underground rock band.

Last Years Heroes, formerly Spent Idols
Rock / Old Wave / New Wave
Band Location: Carlsbad, CA

Watching Closely, a 2007 movie by Diana Nile
According to Mike Spent, Nile’s film features some of his music



Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National

2 Responses to Mike Spent tells what really goes on inside nuclear power plants

  1. Re: Braidwood Generating Station in NE Illinois

    Important: Heat Shuts Down a Coastal Nuclear Power Reactor: NEC Changes Operation Safety Rules
    Published on Aug 18, 2012 by Marygreeley1954

  2. This recent incident involved the Millstone nuclear plant in Waterford, CT.

    Heat Shuts Down a Coastal Reactor
    By Matthew L. Wald
    The New York Times
    Aug. 13, 2012

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