Tag Archives: Aquaponics

Michael Olson encourages listeners to start growing their own food

By producing food locally, we don’t pay for transporting mass-produced goods from faraway and invigorate our local economy. Our guest shares how it’s being done.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, Society & Culture

Charles Ostman describes the amazing potential of hydroponic gardening

Charles Ostman encourages listeners to grow food locally using hydroponics and vertical farming – modern versions of the Victory Gardens popular during WWII.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

Jasmine shares her timeless Cherokee wisdom

Jasmine is a Cherokee Medicine Woman who explains who the Mound People were, what is the Circle of Law, and how aquaponic systems can feed the world.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, Other, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture, Spirituality

Meet Larry Saltzman: Permaculture expert and advocate for local food production

Based in Santa Barbara, CA, Larry Saltzman confers with host Melinda Pillsbury-Foster about the diverse movements converging to produce food at the local level.

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Filed under Business, Government & Organizations, Health

Jasmine reveals the true story behind the Boston Tea Party

Jasmine is a Cherokee Medicine Woman and RMNews Agent whose heritage and upbringing bestowed upon her with knowledge about health matters and historical events, including a war that occurred over 10,000 years ago between the peoples of North and South America.

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Filed under History, News & Politics, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture