Tag Archives: Bob Chapman

Business and finance news from Bob Chapman as of Nov. 18, 2009

Bob Chapman is publisher of The International Forecaster and provides this week’s assessment of business and financial news.

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Filed under Business, Business News, Government & Organizations, National

Business and finance news from Bob Chapman as of Nov. 4, 2009

Today’s interview with International Forecaster publisher Bob Chapman includes a discussion about the November 3rd Election Results.

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Filed under Business, Business News, Government & Organizations, National

A look at business and politics from Bob Chapman as of Oct. 21, 2009

Bob Chapman is publisher of The International Forecaster and provides this week’s assessment of business and financial news.

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Filed under Business, Business News, Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

A look at business and politics from Rayelan Allan and Bob Chapman as of Oct. 7, 2009

Rayelan Allan’s and Bob Chapman’s review of the news includes commentary about the plight of the homeless and low-income residents of Detroit.

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Filed under Business, Business News, Government & Organizations, Investing, National, News & Politics

Bob Chapman offers tips for living and working abroad

Besides discussing business and finance news, Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster will share what he knows about living and working in a foreign country.

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Filed under Business, Business News, Investing, News & Politics