Gloria Steinem served as director of the CIA-funded Independent Research Service from 1958-62. It was her responsibility to organize US students, scholars and writers to attend the yearly World Youth Festival, to observe and takes notes on foreign participants, to distribute pamphlets, flyers and books and to edit a daily propaganda newspaper.
Tag Archives: CIA
VIDEO: How the C.I.A. bankrupted S&Ls during the 1980s
The Mystery of a Covert Criminal Conspiracy is the title of a series of interviews that Alex Horvat of PROBE Magazine conducted with Gunther Russbacher (1942-2005), who served for years in the Office of Naval Intelligence and Central Intelligence Agency. This 1993 interview centered on Russbacher’s knowledge and involvement in the savings and loan failures that occurred in the United States during the 1980s.
Rayelan sheds more light on her life when her husband, Gunther Russbacher, was in jail
Rayelan shares more of her riveting and cathartic story called “Gunther and Me” that she began to tell Thursday night.
John McManus unmasks the true colors of William F. Buckley and Newt Gingrich
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster solicits the political views of John McManus, President of the John Birch Society and publisher of The New American Magazine.
Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics