Tag Archives: Common Law

Rebecca Potter and her guests reveal how to be your own legal administrator

Tami Pepperman and Chris “Chappy” Chapman join host Rebecca Potter in defining legal terms most commonly encountered in family court and debt cases.

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Michael Clark tells how the wealthy protect themselves from losing everything

Identify theft, a lawsuit, or a medical bill can cause the average person to lose control. Michael Clark shares how we can protect ourselves like the wealthy.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National

Slay those tax hounds and traffic tickets with Chris Chapman and Greg Slaughter

A day after their Radio RMN debut, Chris Chapman and Greg Slaughter return to discuss their tax law and traffic ticket expertise with host Rebecca Potter.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National

Greg Slaughter offers expert advice for beating traffic tickets

Hit with a traffic ticket? Don’t despair. Listen as our guest, Greg Slaughter, tells how you have over an 80% chance of having the ticket overturned.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National

Jesse tells listeners: You can profitably turn the tables on debt collectors

Jesse is the spokesperson for What Lies In Your Debt®, a radio show advertiser, and he shares how his service can help win settlements from debt collectors and bank foreclosures.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National