Tag Archives: Communication

A. D. Coleman extols the artists protesting repression in China

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster interviews A. D. Coleman about the stirring imagery and poetry produced by dissident Chinese artists such as Liu Xia (Xiaobo Liu).

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

A. D. Coleman updates listeners about the Lt. Pike photo that went viral

Using advanced technology readily available today, citizen journalists like UC Davis student Louise Macabitas are able to create compelling content that reaches a wide audience.

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Filed under Health

Filmmaker Pamela Brown shares her socially conscious vision

Last fall Dr. Robin Falkov met filmmaker Pamela Brown at an Occupy Wall Street event. On today’s show, the two offer their views about the Occupy movement.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture

John Edmonds and Joni Dahlstrom address the legal genocide of wild horses

As shared by our two guests, there are both ethical and health concerns associated with a newly signed law that allows wild horses to be slaughtered for food.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics

A. D. Coleman describes the evocative impact of images in the social networking era

A. D. Coleman, an authority on photography and media, shares how people’s views are shaped by modern technology that enables images such as the pepper-spraying of UC Davis students by Lt. John Pike to be broadcast instantly.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics