Captain Sherlock (Field McConnell) and his Hawk’s Cafe sidekick (David Hawkins) return for a special Tuesday show that links the swine flu vaccination patent to the Chicago-based, criminal cabal.
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Tag Archives: David Hawkins
Special report from McConnell and Hawkins as of Nov. 3, 2009
David Hawkins presents thesis that Michelle Obama threw the Chicago Olympics bid
David Hawkins describes how the cabal behind the UN Climate Change campaign derailed any possibility that Chicago would become the Olympics host city in 2016.
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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Intelligence report from David Hawkins as of Oct. 21, 2009
David Hawkins will tell how the worldwide cabal is connected to Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Nancy Pelosi, AirPatrol, and the Northwestern University supply chain.
Intelligence Report from McConnell and Hawkins as of Oct. 14, 2009
Field McConnell and David Hawkins will discuss their thesis that the 9/11 attacks were conducted by British Columbia firms based in Vancouver, Burnaby, and Abbotsford.
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