Tag Archives: Dead Sea Scrolls

Jay Weidner explains who the Archons are and what they've be doing to humanity

Who are the Archons? Are they here on Earth? Why do they place significance on the year 2442 AD? Our special guest answers these questions and more!

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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, Other, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture

Winston Shrout shares his analysis and understanding of Biblical history

Eben Rey interviews Winston Shrout, who takes listeners on a historical discourse about the Biblical origins of the laws that dictate modern commerce.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture

Terry Cole-Whittaker assures us, We are Divine Consciousness and Our Spirits Cannot Die

Rev. Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker returns to share her inspirational words of Divine Love and Peace during these times of turmoil and change.

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Filed under History, Other, Philosophy, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture, Spirituality

Andrew Phillip Smith explains what Gnosticism is all about

Andrew Phillip Smith has written several books on Early Christianity, including A Dictionary of Gnosticism, The Gospel of Philip, and the Lost Sayings of Jesus.

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Filed under History, Other, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture, Spirituality