Tag Archives: Dr. Cesar Bertacchini

Faced with a serious illness, take advantage of Dr. Fernando Bassail's homeopathic treatment

Dr. Robin Falkov and her guest, Dr. Fernando Bassail, discuss Bryomyxol/Neobryxol, the life-saving homeopathic remedy that has been successfully treating cancer and immune disorders for 25 years.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Medicine, Science & Medicine

If you've been exposed to toxic chemicals, learn the warning signs from Dr. Fernando Bassail

Dr. Robin Falkov and her guest, Dr. Fernando Bassail, discuss Bryomyxol, his FDA-approved cancer treatment, and the warning signs of toxic chemical exposure.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Medicine, Science & Medicine

Dr. Fernando Bassail describes the adverse effects of oil spill toxins on the immune system

Dr. Robin Falkov interviews Dr. Fernando Bassail to share vital information for surviving exposure to benzene, hydrogen sulfide, and other toxins from the Gulf.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, News & Politics, Science & Medicine

Dr. Fernando Bassail shares the latest news about his clinic's cancer treatment

Dr. Fernando Bassail updates listeners about the FDA-approved Neobryxol/Bryomixol (US brand name is Bryomed) treatment that has enabled cancer patients to recover from their illness.

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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Self-Help