If what Lindsey Williams says is true, then mankind over the next year will experience the most monumental changes in 2000 years, thanks, in part, to the NWO.
Tag Archives: Eben Rey
Winston Shrout shares his analysis and understanding of Biblical history
Eben Rey interviews Winston Shrout, who takes listeners on a historical discourse about the Biblical origins of the laws that dictate modern commerce.
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Eben Rey offers her views of the Occupy Wall Street protests and other breaking news
Are Communists behind the Wall Street protests? Who else finds it odd that so many celebrities (Robert Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, Amy Winehouse) died at age 27? These topics and more are the focus of this week’s show with Eben Rey.
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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics
Eben Rey’s view of the world as of Sep. 26, 2011
Eben Rey hosts Project Next (formerly RadioAlchymy), the early morning radio show aired on KPFK that mainstream media won’t touch.
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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics
Eben Rey looks at breaking news and takes calls from listeners
Eben Rey takes aim at the global warming controversy and upcoming United Nations vote on Palestinian statehood which the U.S. threatens to veto.
Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics