Tag Archives: environmental damage

Denise Rednour and Kimberly McCuiston report on the Gulf Coast oil crisis that hasn't died

The media may have moved onto other stories, but for Gulf Coast residents like our guests, the disaster that began with last year’s oil rig explosion has not abated.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics

Support Kimberly Wolf in spreading the truth about the oil spill aftermath

Kimberly Wolf is a New Orleans activist who shares her personal knowledge about the damage and debilitating illnesses caused by the Gulf Coast oil spill.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics, Self-Help

James Fox gives a disturbing account of the oil spill damage to the Gulf coast

Independent journalist and filmmaker James Fox shares the latest news about the Gulf Coast environment in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, Health, National, News & Politics