What is the secret to a disease-free life? Do soil fertility and diet play roles? Find out why following the Four Pillars to the Regeneration Effect is essential.
Tag Archives: Sharry Edwards
Dr. John Apsley reveals the big difference between controlling cancer and curing it
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Arnie Gundersen and Dr. John Apsley discuss the ongoing coverup regarding radiation exposure
Arnie Gundersen is a highly respected nuclear engineer whose views about radiation exposure are documented on his Fairewinds Associates blog. See later podcast for Dr. John Apsley’s bio.
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Eugene Pringle tells how to fight back against rapacious tax laws and codes
Stop being intimidated by tax laws! Read and understand the most important statutes so you can know and exercise your rights as a citizen and end the abuses!
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Lynn McTaggart: A simple paradigm shift will restore our interconnectedness
Challenging the scientific mindset, author Lynn McTaggart cites references in her new book, The Bond, in explaining how we are all connected to each other through a field of matter.