Wayne Jett from Classical Capital LLC tells how Americans near the end of the 19th century were attracted to Henry George’s idea of a land value tax.
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Tag Archives: Wayne Jett
Wayne Jett talks about the popularity of the land value tax proposed by Henry George
Filed under Business, Business News, Government & Organizations, Investing, National
More about the Elitist Paradigm from Wayne Jett
On July 28, Wayne Jett appeared on the program to expose the nature of the Elitist Paradigm and how it enslaves us. He returns to expand upon his earlier talk.
Wayne Jett exposes the Elitest Paradigm that is at odds with the Will of the People
Wayne Jett is managing principal of Classical Capital, LLC who joins us today to discuss THE ELITIST PARADIGM, the Middle Class Guide to Mainstream Ideology.
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Wayne Jett: Cap and Trade is a central planner’s scheme that will cost trillions
Wayne Jett is managing principal and chief economist of Classical Capital, LLC who will discuss the impact of the Cap and Trade bill passed by the House.
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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics
Wayne Jett tells why the income tax should be replaced with a Fair Tax
Our guest is attorney Wayne Jett, the National Spokesman for FairTax.org, who has the distinction of having presented a case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.
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Filed under Business, Government & Organizations, Investing, National, News & Politics