Bob Chapman from The International Forecaster returns to share his perspective about the latest news in the financial world, such as the Cap and Trade bill.
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Category Archives: Investing
Bob Chapman analyzes Cap and Trade, Goldman Sachs, Bernie Madoff, etal
Wayne Jett tells why the income tax should be replaced with a Fair Tax
Our guest is attorney Wayne Jett, the National Spokesman for, who has the distinction of having presented a case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.
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Filed under Business, Government & Organizations, Investing, National, News & Politics
Bob Chapman warns us of hard times ahead due to dollar devaluation
Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster warns us that the prospect of harder times ahead should be taken seriously, as threats of a dollar devaluation loom on the horizon.
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Patrick St. James says there's no gold in Ft. Knox and explains where it is
Patrick St. James tells how the NWO sent gold to every country that would install Controlled Circuit Television (CCT). This is so surreal, IT MUST BE TRUE!