Dr. Barbara J. Young has studied Christian Mysticism for 30 years. Her area of expertise includes the Knights Templars, the Sword Excalibur, and the Da Vinci Code.
Category Archives: Religion & Spirituality
Rayelan, Robin, and Richard C. Hoagland discuss the deeper meanings of the movie, '2012'
Buy the ‘2012‘ DVD and listen to today’s broadcast with Rayelan, Robin, and Richard C. Hoagland of the Enterprise Mission to get an insider’s view of the film.
Filed under Other, Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Sheldan Nidle affirms that galactic forces are close to completing the End Game
A New Day is dawning! Do not despair or lose hope! The pieces are falling into place to replace decaying governments with an enlightened form of rule.
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Laura Eisenhower responds to recent attempts to smear her name and character
Ike’s great-granddaughter, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, was recently accused of lying about her real name and involvement with a secret Mars colony. She responds.
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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, Other, Religion & Spirituality, UFOs