Our forensic economists allege that Crown Agents’ Sister Kristine Marcy set up a revolving fund for DOJ Pride lesbians to finance the sexual entrapment of Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Gunwalker contract hit of ATF agent Brian Terry.
Category Archives: History
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of July 6, 2011
Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of June 29, 2011
Our forensic economists explain how the U.S. was tricked into standing down during the 9/11 war games because of misuse of Entrust’s PKI by Crown Agents Sisters Lena Trudeau and Kristine Marcy.
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Intelligence Report from Field McConnell and David Hawkins as of June 22, 2011
Our forensic economists, who are very close to publishing Chapter 4 of their online exposé, Lesbian Cults, Pedophile Oaths, and Guilds of Patented Hits, recap the modus operandi and network of the Crown Agents Sisters with regards to major crimes such 911, Deepwater Horizon, and Fukushima.
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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, National, News & Politics, Society & Culture
Lynn McTaggart: A simple paradigm shift will restore our interconnectedness
Challenging the scientific mindset, author Lynn McTaggart cites references in her new book, The Bond, in explaining how we are all connected to each other through a field of matter.