Sportron CEO Keith Harding shares how the FoodMatrix® nutrients and herbs in his firm’s line of specialized product formulas provide vital support for the body.
Rayedio RMN is proud to have Sportron on board as a new radio show advertiser.
As related by our radio guest and other health experts, a majority of Americans are deficient in both Vitamin D and calcium. Harding explains how it is possible remedy health deficiencies of this nature using Sportron products that are full of organic, living nutrients rather than inert substances produced synthetically. Included in his presentation is a discussion about Viva, the highly touted energy drink embued with natural resveratrol and other nutrients.
Sportron believes in providing constitutional support for the body. This means assisting the body to maintain optimum health by providing the nutrients to maximize the innate ability of the body to heal itself.
Click here for more information about Sportron and here or on the sidebar graphic to order products from Rayelan’s online store.