Part 8 of this video documentary features Judyth Vary Baker, who recounts her role in the secret cancer project in New Orleans that also involved Lee Harvey Oswald during the turbulent summer and fall months of 1963 just before the Kennedy assassination.
Author Archives: not-the-admin
The Men Who Killed Kennedy Part 7 The Smoking Guns
The Men Who Killed Kennedy is a nine-part video documentary about the Kennedy assassination that was produced by Nigel Turner and originally aired in England in 1988. Arts & Entertainment Company purchased the rights to the original two segments. Three episodes were produced in 1991 and a sixth was added in 1995. In November 2003 on the 40th anniversary of the assassination, three more segments were added by the History Channel. Part 7 is one of the History Channel programs added in 2003.
Making sense of what happened at Sandy Hook in 2012
Wolfgang Halbig is a former school administrator and state trooper who has been doggedly investigating the Sandy Hook shooting incident of Dec 14, 2012. He shared his latest report on Sandy Hook on the Power Hour Radio Show that aired on Oct 13, 2015.
Filed under Government & Organizations, News & Politics
The Technocrats Examine Their Handiwork
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.
The Banker asked, “Is it time?” Safely perched in their underground bunker enclosed in state-of-the-art materials that provided full protection from extreme temperatures, moisture, and radiation, the Group of Globalists stepped back from the various monitors that continuously displayed a panoramic view of the earth’s surface. Nearly all life forms that had been in existence just 10 years prior had been wiped out by wars, floods, fires, earthquakes, disease, and radioactive fallout.
Conspiracy Café host George Freund interviews Judyth Vary Baker
In part two of this studio interview recorded in Toronto, Canada in Oct 2011, Judyth Vary Baker, author of “Me and Lee” and “David Ferrie: Mafia Pilot,” offers her personal recollection of the people, places, and events leading up to the assassination of President Kennedy on Nov 22, 1963.