By raiding pharmacies dispensing medicinal marijuana, the Feds circumvent local sovereignty rules, violate the 10th Amendment, and deny treatment to thousands.
Author Archives: not-the-admin
Ethan Stewart decries the fed’s ongoing war against medical marijuana
Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics
Daniel Borchers exposes the false Conservatism of Ann Coulter
Dan Borchers discusses his books and website that lambast Ann Coulter, the Queen of Neoconism, whom he feels has perverted the true nature of Conservatism.
Filed under News & Politics
Rebecca Potter issues her psychopathy report for June 18, 2012
Rebecca Potter offers her weekly analysis about legal issues and health disorders that can result from being on the receiving end of psychopathic behavior.
Filed under Alternative Health, Government & Organizations, Health, Self-Help
Sulfur Study Experts review factors behind many modern diseases
John Panigutti joins Doc Stump and Patrick McGean to discuss the findings of the organic sulfur study, such as whether any participant has died from cancer.
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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Self-Help
Patricia Bisch shares how to enjoy eating and lose weight at the same time
Many people find it hard to follow conventional weight loss programs. Patricia Bisch offers helpful tips for avoiding the “no pain, no gain” mindset of dieting.
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Filed under Alternative Health, Health, Self-Help