Cyndi Steele: Urgent! Please help restore her husband's 5th and 6th Amendment rights

Cyndi Steele’s husband, Edgar, is in jail on trumped up charges that he conspired to kill her and her mother and could be sentenced for 59 years or more.

Edgar J. Steele is an attorney who’s written numerous articles that have been published on his website,, and reposted in the RMN Reading Room. His politically incorrect views and legal defense of Aryan Nations founder (Pastor Richard G. Butler) placed him squarely in the crosshairs of the Anti-Defamation League.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A writ of mandamus is the name of one of the prerogative writs in the common law, and is “issued by a superior court to compel a lower court or a government officer to perform mandatory or purely ministerial duties correctly”.

Cyndi Steele – ACTION NEEDED! to Protect Attorney-Client Privileges
Posted By: Rayelan
Rumor Mill News Agents Forum
Date: Thursday, 20-Oct-2011 13:31:54

Are you aware that the justice department is usurping Supreme Court rule-making authority, which is eviscerating the 5th and 6th Amendments? Our fundamental rights are being lost. The 5th and 6th Amendment right to counsel are constitutional and basic human rights such as the right against self- incrimination, the right to have confidential communications with the attorney of choice, to rely on fair play and to be on an even playing board. All of these are being changed by the Department of Justice, by design, and is destroying our individual rights under the constitution.

Actually, I’m sure you are not surprised, because what haven’t they done illegally! Ed is filing a writ of mandamus and prohibition with the US Supreme Court regarding the vast violations by the Justice Department (including the Judge) of his 6th Amendment rights to privileged attorney-client communications.

We need immediate action for all who support the 6th Amendment to write to all the US Supreme Court Justices to step up and protect our rights and not just brush this writ under the carpet. Our chance is if they hear enough of an outcry from all of us who understand the corruption that is taking over our America. It is, also, a chance for my husband to get a new (and hopefully fair) trial. Information and sample letters will be up on the Free Edgar Steele website at by tomorrow. Letters need to be getting mailed so they arrive a day or same day they receive the filed writ, which should be by next Tuesday.

In the meantime, I am looking for assistance in spreading the word and asking for people to help by writing the U.S. Supreme Court Justices. Announcements? Interviews? Write-ups?

You have helped in the past and I once again ask for help, because I am still fighting for my husband’s freedom from this corrupt system that is doing its best to wrongly put him away for the rest of his life.

Please email me, call me about having me on your show to ask for help. Or if your medium is in print, please help get the word out and call me with questions.

Thank you,
Cyndi Steele

Click here to listen to an excerpt of Cyndi Steele’s Aug. 2 appearance on the radio show.

It is vital for readers and listeners to immediately write and send letters to the US Supreme Court, explaining how Edgar’s 5th and 6th Amendment rights have been violated. Sample letters and instructions for contacting each of the Supreme Court Justices will soon be provided on the Edgar Steele Defense Fund website.

Also, please make your contribution check / money order payable to:
The Edgar Steele Defense Fund
P.O. Box 1255
Sagle, ID 83860

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