Tag Archives: Southern Poverty Law Center

Cyndi Steele discusses the evidence that wasn’t heard in her husband’s case

Cyndi Steele provides Radio RMN PM listeners with details about the trumped-up arrest and conviction of her husband, who is serving time in a California jail.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, News & Politics

Cyndi Steele tells how her husband was denied a fair trial by his corrupt attorney

Edgar Steele is in jail on trumped-up charges, exacerbated by a corrupt defense attorney indicted for wire fraud, money laundering, and concealing assets.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, National, News & Politics

Cyndi Steele shares the latest developments concerning her imprisoned husband

Denied the right to present evidence on his behalf in court, Edgar Steele languishes in prison in Victorville, CA, far away from his wife and loved ones in Idaho.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, News & Politics

Cyndi Steele: Urgent! Please help restore her husband's 5th and 6th Amendment rights

Cyndi Steele’s husband, Edgar, is in jail on trumped up charges that he conspired to kill her and her mother and could be sentenced for 59 years or more.

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Filed under Government & Organizations, History, News & Politics, Society & Culture